

What does a singer songwriter do if he not only plays acoustic guitar
and sings like the coffee house folks expect, but also has some very
funky, bluesy and prolific chops on the electric guitar, and will happily
drive people out of their seats dancing whenever possible? Well, he
organizes a versatile and kick-ass band.

Enter the Chris Towzey Group, formed in 2011, with Geoff Whyte on
drums, John-Paul McLean on bass, Roy Schmall on keys and now,
Willow van den Hoek, for supporting vocals. So, what does this new
band do? They record a CD of new material at a great local studio,
then play it all live at your venue.

This six song, seven track CD will be released in June, 2013, and is
titled: “Duck and reCover.” This will be the third CD of Chris’s
songwriting efforts along with an interpretation of a great old cover song.
While CD releases are common there are some very uncommon
circumstances that came about in the making of this one. Two stories
collided with the making of “Duck and reCover:”

A return to the recording studio site co-founded by Chris Towzey
and Steve Buck in the 70’s. Then called “LaLomita Recording,”
the site later became home to Prairie Sun Studios of Cotati, CA.,
owned and operated by Mark “Mooka” Rennick.

A story about friends helping friends, inspiring one to
continue after a devastating burglary. A major setback where
significant assets and precious instruments were stolen.

Thank you for the opportunity to entertain and continue the mission.
To read Chris’ own Bio sheet click CT_Biography